Roots End Homeschool Village is founded on the philosophy that children need the freedom of movement, exploration, discovery and play to grow and develop their physical body in order to build a strong foundation for emotional and cognitive learning to come. Allowing young children to learn in a predominantly outdoor environment fosters curiosity, compassion, creativity, confidence and a connection to the natural world. Experiences are multi-sensory, real, open ended and without judgment. Our main goal at Roots End Homeschool Village is to Embrace Childhood; those fleeting years filled with discovery and wonder, magic, and the feeling that all is good in the world. Whether chasing toads, climbing trees, splashing in mud puddles or pretending to be a pony galloping in the open field, young children need time to play and imagine and most importantly to simply be children. Our hope... is that all of our students know how much they are valued and respected. Our want...are days filled with laughter, joy, and a sense of well being. Our wish... is that each child leaves empowered knowing they are strong and capable human beings ready for the next stages of childhood, able to find solace in nature if necessary and filled with enough love to change the world.
Nature School teaches using an outdoor environment and natural materials rather than worksheets and walls.
We take a gentle approach to learning; meeting children where they are yet providing experiences that encourage growth. We believe children should have ample time to play freely fostering independence, imagination and social-emotional development.
"Nature School" or "Nature-Based Education" is an approach to learning that is child-led and educational goals are met through experiences in nature. Connecting children with the natural world fosters compassion and reverence while participating in purposeful activities builds self-confidence and independence. Environmental education, fostering a respect for and a curiosity about the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and developing all domains of the child (physical, social, emotional, cognitive, aesthetic and spiritual) through multi-sensory experiences are at the heart of our program. Fully immersive outdoor play develops not only the five senses (hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smell) but all eight which include the vestibular system (body movement), proprioception (body awareness) and interoception (condition of the body).
Each of which is needed for young children to thrive.
At Roots End Homeschool Village creek adventures, campfire cooking, woodland exploration, natural art, botany, creative play, and more await your child.
A beautifully wooded play space and gently flowing creek create a wholesome environment where children can experience the wonders of nature. Roots End Homeschool Village is a delight for the senses.
Beth Packard, M.Ed.
Director and Nature Mentor
Beth Packard has been in the education field for 18 years. Her background is deeply rooted in child development and nature. Beth loves teaching about sustainable agriculture and homesteading. She’s an avid hiker and voracious reader, and has a passion for inspiring young ambassadors of the Earth.
Andrea Fox
Handwork & Little Acorns Mentor
From classrooms and museums to after school programs and summer camps, Andrea has
accumulated over 23 years of Arts Education experience. Being an advocate for ocean conservancy, she sought a way to combine her passions by studying eco-art. She hopes to help future
generations gain an understanding
Andrea Fox
Handwork & Little Acorns Mentor
From classrooms and museums to after school programs and summer camps, Andrea has
accumulated over 23 years of Arts Education experience. Being an advocate for ocean conservancy, she sought a way to combine her passions by studying eco-art. She hopes to help future
generations gain an understanding of the natural world and their place in it through the lens of artistic expression.
Roots End Homeschool Village
Art School Rd, Chester Springs, PA
Phone: 484-941-2594